Reformed Devotionals Daily
Reformed Devotionals Daily Podcast
Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

Find encouragement to persevere in faith and serve others with the assurance that God sees and values your efforts.

Scripture: Hebrews 6:9-12 (ESV)
"Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation. For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises."

Have you ever seen a marathon runner hitting the final stretch of the race? Despite fatigue and pain they keep going. They are determined to finish the race. That’s the picture the author of Hebrews tries to capture in our passage today. After a stern warning about falling away, he offers us hope and encouragement. He urges his original hearers (and us), to keep moving forward in the faith journey. He reminds us to have full assurance until the end. This assurance should spur us on to keep going, and to “be sluggish”.

You see, our problem is often that our Christian journey is a long one. It is filled with weariness and discouragement, especially when our efforts seem unnoticed or our commitment to God feels fruitless. Perhaps this is especially true of the times we live in today, where so much of our world has turned away from God. This can cause us to feel tempted to grow sluggish in our faith. But here, the writer reassures us: God sees your work and the love you've shown in His name. He is not unjust. He will not overlook your efforts.

This points us again to Jesus, our ultimate model of the faith, who never gave up. He kept going, all the way to the cross. He endured his path, knowing both what it would ultimately cost Him, but also knowing the joy set before Him.

Just like a marathon runner keeps their eyes on the finish line, we must keep our eyes on Jesus and follow in his footsteps.

One step at a time.

Lord, thank You for seeing and valuing our efforts in Your name. Help us not to grow weary or sluggish in our faith, but to press on with hope and perseverance. Give us the strength to imitate those who have gone before us, living lives of faith and patience. Amen.

Spiritual Challenge:
Today, find a practical way to serve someone in your community. Let your actions be driven by the love and hope you have in Christ, knowing that God sees and values your work.


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Reformed Devotionals Daily
Reformed Devotionals Daily Podcast
Bringing the timeless truths of Scripture into the everyday lives of believers. Each day we take the next piece of the Bible and reflect on it together to help you see how Jesus is the hero of every passage of scripture. Each day we also have a spiritual challenge for you to help you grow.